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A Picture

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Renee Jones

I have been writing poetry and lyrics for the last 20 plus years. I written poems for Vows, and music for the unknown. My father passed away 4 years ago, and my sister passed away 8 years ago. Recently, I met a friend who has been dear to me, and we grew in the same area. Our siblings passed away on the same day-- In the works I am working on lyrics on the day of December 9th. Life is short -- I want to enjoy every breathing moment of it.

A Picture
Renee’ M Jones

Late night talks of what might have been, 
If only people didn’t get in our way back then. 
Reminiscing of the past, and where I saw you last;
Dancing with you under the stars as a stranger, I felt as if I knew you then.

You were the soul that walked by my side living the same pain that stole our vain.

Had I only known you were the one I knew back when. 
I always remember the sparkle in your eyes,
And your grin as you walked by.
Sitting there watching you play game after game,
I never knew my heart had a deep down flame.

You were the soul that walked by my side living the same pain that stole our vain.

Had I only known you were the one I knew back when. 
Our past was in between our souls 
Baby, I felt you even when this heart of mine had a hole.
I dreamed of this soul next to me,
It was the whisper of your voice that set me free.

You were the soul that walked by my side living the same pain that stole our vain.
Had I only known you were the one I knew back when. 
It was a picture that you saw of me, and you knew you had to be with me.

Copyright@ 2020 renee m jones (42)

Written by: Renee Jones

Submitted by: renee_j on July 07, 2020

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