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Can’t you see?

It’s not hate, rather sadness I’m not aggressive Just disappointed This emotional disturbance It’s a very big turbulence yeah I’m still the old me The beautiful soul is still inside me Can’t you see? Can’t you see? I’m tired of keeping everything to myself Co...

Listed by Sandy 11 months ago
The Fire is Burning

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. So let i...

Listed by E Lloyd Kelly 2 years ago
Guyana So So Nice

Guyana so so Nice By PablOGT (James Paul) (Intro/Hook) Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice Guyana so so Nice (V1 with hook) Ah want to guh back to Guyana [so so Nice...Guyana] Back to de land of many waters [so so Nice...Guyana] Back to de la...

Listed by James G Paul Sr 1 year ago

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    “The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

    Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
