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These If He Treats Her Wrong lyrics by Xavier Burke are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $1,000 - $10,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

If He Treats Her Wrong

Xavier Burke Buy

Xavier Burke

20 years old living in the Los Angeles area trying to get into the music industry. I was born in France grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, and have been living in California for the last 5 years. I write many songs (just the lyrics) and really enjoy it.


Pick up a shovel, dig a big hole
Stand up straight, nice and tall
Got shiny shoes and new watch
Paying all bills each n every month
But all this shit don’t mean much
Only about what you do

You can try to be a man
Do it all day long
All the way from dusk till dawn
But a man ain’t a man
If he treats her, treats her wrong

Try to tell her what to do
Try to tell her what to say 
But tomorrow or the next day
Your gonna lose

Don’t keep on buying her a new car
If she’s sunny only on those days
Cause she’s not in love with who you are
A lady in love, only when you can pay

You can try to be a man
Do it all day long
All the way from dusk till dawn
But a man ain’t a man
If he treats, treats her wrong

The only win, keep her satisfied
The only win, make her smile
The only win, let her shine
The only win, when she loves you too

You can try to be a man
Do it all day long
All the way from dusk till dawn
But a man ain’t a man
If he treats, treats her wrong

Written by: Xavier Burke

Submitted on: August 17, 2020

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