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These Born thru Hell lyrics by KirkL Wolff are listed for sale on our marketplace for an asking price of $10,000 - $100,000. Please click on the PURCHASE button below to contact the seller directly to acquire it.

Born thru Hell

KirkL Wolff Buy

KirkL Wolff

retired engineer living in Coconut Grove, Fl Born: Dallas Could writ,e a 900 page novel about this bio

keep practicin puttun mi life together
then takin it apart
no matter how I have tried
it keeps fallin apart

going through burnin pain when demons run
then ice cold tundra of a love of life lost

runnin for the exit of hell
looking for a new way i have been dealt
runnin for the new found green 
on the other side of the mountains ive seen

day and night i suffer through the escape
of false love mixtures; just keep me awake
to face more pain another day,
sometimes i pray so much to just end this way.
only to succumb to gravity and fall back in..

wake this day 
and the skies turn blue
no red, browns and blood hues; no more feelin quite blue
i can sigh some relief for God's sweet hand
gave me this relief to supply me with my own armor to face the living again

Written by: KirkL Wolff

Submitted on: March 25, 2023

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    "Born thru Hell Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 10 Jun 2024. <>.

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