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I don’t know what the fuck go do

I don’t know what to do. Everything in my life is screwed I thought on going to school but it turned I’m in shity pool. Tried my way working hard. But the dough is not to enough bake a dime.

Listed by Amgad wawi 10 months ago
Idiota de la vida

idiota al pensar que la vida es como la idealizamos que los amigos son como los tratamos idiota de la vida al tener el pensamiento de un esclavo a envidiar lo ajeno y no apreciar lo que tengo al lado idiota al pensar que las personas son todas buenas sin importar s...

Listed by cristo 1 year ago
No hope

Renting a limo but I see nothing through the window I’m playing a game day in and day out there’s no time for anything right now just leave it all as is I’m walking on water I’m the next miracle I got my dogs no longer they’ll ride for my ego is bruised by a stone a long time ...

Listed by Bryan Accede 3 years ago
Poor Democracy

I shake my head at the screen As rioters lose their minds My insides boil with rage As the Capitol splits in two Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Fighting, shooting, very bloody Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Poor democracy Five people lose their lives All because of on...

Listed by Abdoul Hakeem 3 years ago
Since that day

Since that day in May, It was hot in sun ray, As I saw you by my side, I felt a passionate tide In me. It has been months back, We are friends for namesake, Whatsapp chatting and floating SMS, You suggest sometimes downloading Netflix, Only. Are you so simpl...

Listed by Mahendra Nath Maharana 3 years ago

(Intro) Yea baby let me see that pompa yea (Verse) Sabes que senorita vente pa ca and chupale a mi paleta come on mamasita vente pa ca en mi cama we can have sex all night long and record it on my camera I will have you screaming all night long like oooh papa because I will...

Listed by Steven Flores 1 year ago
When you meet

Heart blossoms when you meet, Got a strange feeling. I don't know when and how, Someone so special. You who came so close, Gave me a comfort. Took away all the sorrow For a moment's happiness. How to say what is the condition of the heart, It is speechless. I got s...

Listed by Pooja Rajpurohit 2 years ago

FUCK YOGA! We've been friends forever. But before you were thoughtful and clever. But lately, it's been more affliction and no affection! Now we REALLY have a bad connection! Your answer to everything is the same: I've got my self to blame! For not exercising, especially y...

Listed by Lisa Lilliehöök 5 years ago
Heart Attack

The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it couldn’t heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could remember is what you wro...

Listed by Sharen A Barnes 5 years ago
Heart Attack

Heart Attack The doctor sent me home to rest, he said you’ve got a broken heart causing pain in your chest. He said it could heal on its own, I asked him how when the love of my life is gone. The nurses gave my hugs trying to make me feel better All I could rem...

Listed by Sharen Barnes 3 years ago

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